Goal Group G – Streetscapes, walkability

Action C.1.1: Advocate for and Implement a Stinson Pedestrian and Vehicle Transportation Master Plan to result in: 1) greater walkability 2) welcoming destinations 3) people spending time together. Examples of ideas include: Traffic calming through landscaping and signage; Create pedestrian only streets; Install traffic lights, sidewalk repairs and improvements, pedestrian railings; Reduce speed limits; Increase bike lanes; Improve…

Goal Group E – Branding, Community Pride

Action B.3.1: Announce the Stinson Neighbourhood through signage at key entry ways into the neighbourhood and rail trail. Action C.1.5: Make Stinson a beautiful destination through Streetscaping i.e., Plant trees. Action B.3.2: Promote the Wentworth Stairs through improved directional signage and further consultation. Action B.1.1: Install garbage and recycling containers for people and pet waste in key locations throughout…

Goal Group B – Communications, Events, Mixed Media and Community information Gateways

Action D.1.1: Revamp and Maintain Website, Facebook and Twitter presence. Action D.1.2: Create a Volunteer/Resource (skills and talents) list. Action D.3.2: Organize and promote free social and recreational events in Stinson’s parks Action B.1.2: Annual neighbourhood garbage crawl in parks, streets, alleyways, escarpment and Recreation Centre SCA activities – i.e. yard sale, spring cleanup, movie…